Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Lottery Game

I love Ramadan. Every year, on the last day of Ramadan, the president of Malawi declares it a national holiday, and we are all free from the pains of work for one extra day. Of course, no one really ever knows when the last day of Ramadan will be. We all look up into the sky and watch for when the moon comes out. This year, it was debated that it would be either Friday or Saturday. If the moon came out Friday morning, we would get Friday off. If Saturday, we'd get Monday off. My coworkers and I all hoped that the moon would make an appearance on Saturday. Since Fridays are always so relaxed, we'd rather have the Monday stress taken away from us. We stayed up till midnight Friday morning, waiting for the moon to come out. It didn't. So we all thought that the holiday would be on Monday. But we got a call at 5am on Friday morning - the moon came out. Friday holiday. Bummer.


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